
Tianjin Huashengda Sci-Tech Development Co.,Ltd


Tianjin Huashengda Sci-Tech Development Co.,Ltd

Applications in the energy industry


For example, some common large-scale wind power and nuclear power inspection parts will inevitably have some errors after processing. In order to

 accurately assemble them with other components in the later stage and not damage some parts due to friction caused by long-term work, we should 

use a portable articulated arm measuring machine to inspect the workpiece, whether it is roundness or hole position, etc., to ensure that the 

processing quality is qualified.

The following are the on-site photos taken:



Huashengda is a professional manufacturer of measurement services. We will conduct testing according to customer needs, whether in terms of 

measurement accuracy or service, we will achieve your satisfaction. In addition to joint arm contact measurement, there are also non-contact joint 

arm blue laser scanners, joint arm pipe laser forks, laser trackers, etc., which can solve the problem of ineffective product quality improvement in 

various industries and play an important control role.

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