
Tianjin Huashengda Sci-Tech Development Co.,Ltd


Tianjin Huashengda Sci-Tech Development Co.,Ltd


What is the fee for external testing?

In the era of rapid development in industrial manufacturing, people have high requirements for 

the dimensional accuracy of products when processing and producing them. 

Many enterprises are equipped with corresponding measurement equipment in their production

 workshops, such as coordinate measuring machines, laser interferometers, laser trackers, joint 

arm measuring machines (blue light scanners), handheld scanners, etc. However, some small and 

medium-sized enterprises do not have their own measurement instruments, At this point, they 

will choose to take their products to a third-party testing center for measurement, and the 

manufacturer will be concerned about how third-party testing is charged? Below, the editor will 

briefly introduce the charging standards for Huashengda measurement services:

1、 According to the size and weight of the workpiece

The smaller the size, the lighter the weight, and the fewer parts to be tested, the cheaper the 

fees will be;

2、 Charge based on the size of the workpiece

According to the tolerance dimensions to be measured on the production drawings, the more 

dimensions, the more expensive the price;

3、 Pay per piece

How much is the normal daily fee for testing a product (depending on the size of the measured

 workpiece)? If the testing cycle is longer, the price will be appropriately 


The above are several daily methods. Due to the different charging methods of each store, 

please contact the manufacturer for specific charging standards.

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